If you're fortunate enough to have time with your family this holiday weekend, practice being present and aim to be the awareness of all your thoughts and feelings. Here's an excerpt from Eckhart Tolle's The Power of Now to help you practice.
“Be present as the watcher of your mind -- of your thoughts and emotions as well as your reactions in various situations.
Be at least as interested in your reactions as in the situation or person that causes you to react.
Notice also how often your attention is in the past or future.
Don't judge or analyze what you observe. Watch the thought, feel the emotion, observe the reaction.
Don't make a personal problem out of them. You will then feel something more powerful than any of those things that you observe: the still, observing presence itself behind the content of your mind, the silent watcher.”
In 2004 Time Magazine published an article "The New Science of Happiness" and one of the most fundamental findings from the research on Positivity was that “Almost every person feels happier when they’re with other people,” observes Mihaly Csikszentmihalyi (pronounced “cheeks sent me high!). “It’s paradoxical because many of us think we can hardly wait to get home and be alone with nothing to do, but that’s a worst-case scenario. If you’re alone with nothing to do, the quality of your experience really plummets.”
Read the article yourself to see some of the other findings the researchers cite from the science of positivity.
So this weekend, aim to create meaningful connections with those that mean the most to you - and even those that don't!
With continued curiosity,
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