Saturday, February 7, 2009

Your Economic Thoughts Become Your Reality

The house is silent and I am enjoying my morning coffee. Life is good. Have to admit, it has been scary with all the doom and gloom economic reports. I subscribe to numerous newsletters and Michel Neray sent one that landed.

"You are not the economy.
Yes, the economy is in rough shape right now. But don't let all the doom and gloom get inside your head. Those deflating stats and trends you hear on the news describe the macroeconomic world, not yours. When my coaching clients and Bull Pen members start groaning about the economy, this is what I tell them:

1. Yes, the economy is scary if you're General Motors, Walmart, Microsoft and every other company that relies on millions of customers. But if you're a consultant, speaker, trainer, advisor, coach or any other independent professional, chances are you only need a few clients to keep you busy and profitable. How many active clients do you need? How long will it take for you to find your next client(or replace the one you may have just lost due to the economy)? Where are you most likely to find your next client? When are you going to start looking?

2. Yes, a lot of people are losing their jobs. A lot of people's investments are getting hammered. And a lot of companies are cutting back on what they perceive as the non-essentials. That's why people and businesses are desperate for the smart solutions they haven't been getting from their past service providers. You can be the one to give it to them. What are you offering that's different, better and smarter than whatever they've been offered before?

3. Yes, the overall picture looks bad. But the overall picture is made up of a myriad of scenes; some of which tell a completely different story. Hyatt Hotels, FedEx, Burger King, CNN, Sports Illustrated and the advertising agency Leo Burnett Worlwide... these are all companies that started in economic downturns.Your Essential Message focuses on your strongest, most differentiating position in the market and communicates it in the most compelling way. That's one reason why it's like a Unique Selling Proposition on steroids -- regardless of the economy. Now repeat after me; 'I am not the economy, I am not the economy, I am not the econo...'"

You can subscribe to Michel's newsletter

Your thoughts become your reality so be deliberate about what you watch, read, and talk about these days. Keep informed and be resourceful. Reach out, even if it makes you uncomfortable. Be innovative and create a service or product offering that will make people wonder how they ever lived without it!

This too shall pass,

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